Q: Is telehealth available?
If you have been to the clinic within the last twelve months it is possible to have a telephone appointment with any of our doctors however this will be billed at standard rates. Unfortunately due to Medicare requirements this service is not available to new patients

Q: Is bulk billing available?
Bulk billing is available to under 16s and those who carry a valid concession or pension card. Certain consults may be bulkbilled outside of this however that is at the discretion of the doctor. Due to the rising cost of business and the lack of meaningful increase in the Medicare rebate the hard decision to charge our patients was made. We hope you continue to appreciate the level of care we provide

Q: I have a few issues to discuss, what sort ofappointment should I have?
Ideally if you have more than one issue to discuss you should consider a long consult. Please take no offense if we suggest returning at another time to cover off additional issues as this is to ensure everyone gets the same quality service without having to wait too long

Q:  I just need a script\medical certificate\results of my tests surely this can be done over the phone by the nurse\receptionist?
This question has a two-fold answer, all of those above require a consult for Medicare billings and therefore must be seen by a doctor. Furthermore, each of those interactions is a chance for us to make sure that we are optimising your overall health and is more than just mere paperwork from the doctor. We appreciate it can be difficult or inconvenient but in the event of scripts and results all patients are encouraged to book a results appointment when tests are ordered and to keep track of when scripts are due.

Q: I just need a quick immunisation can’t that just bedone with the nurse?
Again, Medicare rules dictate you must see a doctor at the time for a rebate. Incertain circumstances this may be allowable however it will be charged at private rates and no rebate will be claimable from Medicare

Q: How do I give feedback (good and bad) to your team?
A: Our helpful reception staff can give you either a paperform or guide you to the electronic version of this on our website at Feedback Form
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We offer face to face and telephone consultations